
Samuel J. Bush Post 207



Dr. John L. Scholarship

Thanks to a large donation from the Coaxum family, Post 207 is offering seven $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors pursuing a degree in education. Eligible seniors graduating in the Spring of 2025 from the seven high schools listed below are invited to apply. One winner from each school will be selected.

Battery Creek High School
Beaufort Academy
Beaufort Christian Academy
Beaufort High School
Bridges Preparatory School
John Paul II Catholic School
Whale Branch Early College High School

Application and criteria can be found here.

Post 207 is fundraising so that they may continue offering scholarships each year. Donations may be made via CashApp at $post207 or by mailing a check to Post 207, PO Box 1526, Beaufort, SC 29901.

Questions? Contact any officer or email the Post at beaufortpost207@gmail.com


Dr. John L. Coaxum Scholarship Recipient 2023

Congratulations to Darby Kinsey, Battery Creek High School Class of 2023, winner of the 1st Annual Dr. John L Coaxum Scholarship Award! Read about her below.

Beaufort County School District
Beaufort Lifestyle
Island News
Lowcountry Weekly


Dr. John L. Coaxum

We salute Dr. John L. Coaxum, our departed comrade and Post Adjutant, and thank Him for his contributions and service to our country, community, and Post. Dr. Coaxum transitioned to Post Everlasting on Friday, April 12, 2024. Post Everlasting is the final destination within the American Legion where our departed comrades transfer when they are called for duty by the Supreme Commander. "For God and Country."

Dr. Coaxum was a lifetime member of the Samuel J. Bush Post 207, the American Legion Department of South Carolina, where he was a Post Commander for one year, an Adjutant for 58 years, and a District Commander for 26 years. As District Commander, he organized five posts. Dr. Coaxum was Zone 5 Commander for two years and Chairman of the Credential Committee for six years. For two years he served as the Chairman of the Oratorical Committee. He attended several National conventions as well as several American Legion conferences in Washington, D.C. It was rare for Dr. Coaxum to ever miss an American Legion Post meeting, or a Department (State) convention or conference.

Dr. Coaxum received a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Allen University, a Masters from Southeastern Oklahoma University, and a PhD in Education Administration from Nova University. He retired from the Beaufort County School District after 34 years of dedicated service with eight years as an educator and 26 years as an administrator. Dr. Coaxum was a 27-year member of the Shriners who affirm religious tolerance, patriotism, freedom, charity, and integrity. He was a 26-year member of the Masons who are dedicated to fellowship, moral discipline, charity, and obedience of the law. Dr. Coaxum was a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and was presented with a Service award for 35 years of devotion and service and for exemplifying the Four Cardinal Principles; Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift. Dr. Coaxum was a member of Grace AME church where he was a steward and leader for 40 years.

Click here for Dr. John L. Coaxum's obituary at Chisolm Galloway Homes for Funerals.


Boys State Scholarship

American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for high school students. It is a participatory program where each participant becomes a part of the operation of his local, county, and state government.

Boys State has been a program of The American Legion since 1935 when it was organized to counter the Fascist-inspired Young Pioneer Camps. The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy, and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield.

The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a similar program for young ladies called Girls State. At American Legion Boys State, participants are exposed to the rights and privileges, the duties and the responsibilities of a franchised citizen. The training is objective and practical with city, county, and state governments operated by the students elected to the various offices. Activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, chorus, and recreational programs.

High school juniors are selected by local American Legion Posts to attend the program. In most cases, expenses associated with attending this program are paid by a sponsoring American Legion Post, a local business, or another community-based organization.

American Legion Boys State is currently conducted in 49 Departments of The American Legion. Hawaii does not conduct a program. As separate corporations, Boys States vary in content and method of procedure, but every Boys State adheres to the basic concept of the program - that of teaching government from the township to the state level.


Stanley Johnson Nursing / Health Science Scholarship

The Stanley Johnson Nursing / Health Science Scholarship is awarded to the student who continues his/her higher education pursuing a degree in nursing/medical or health science fields.

Stanley Johnson came to the United States from England at the age of 15. He worked for many years at the U.S. Challenge Company in Batavia, Illinois, and later at Burgess-Norton in Geneva, Illinois.   Stanley Johnson so loved this country that he joined the United States Armed Forces in World War I.

After being honorably discharged Stanley married Hattie Swan and together they worked tirelessly for the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary. Stanley served 52 years as Treasurer of American Legion Post 504.

This scholarship was established by the Johnsons in honor of his niece, Jean Johnson, who was a British nurse. Because of the importance of encouraging our youth to become future doctors, nurses, or other health-related professionals the American Legion has continued awarding this scholarship to date.


More Information

The American Legion offers several scholarships and other resources to assist young people in their pursuit of higher education. Each year, the Legion facilitates the awarding of millions of dollars in scholarships to high school students. There are opportunities for everyone, including kin of wartime veterans and participants in Legion programs.

Scholarship information on the Legion website.